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Web Publisher

de asKSam Systems

Programa para la creación de publicaciones en Internet. Permite importar ficheros de texto, mensajes de correo, bases de datos, documentos de procesadores de textos, etc.

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A publishing tool for corporate intranets & the Internet
askSam Web Publisher is a product designed to let you create and publish documents and databases on the Internet. Manuals, catalogs, price lists, databases, research notes, marketing materials... whatever you want to publish the askSam Web Publisher is the perfect tool.

Publish Documents and Databases on an Intranet
The askSam Web Publisher has been designed to quickly publish large amounts of information on an intranet or the Internet. Simply import existing files or type information into askSam - no HTML codes and no programming. It's like using a word processor. Any computer user can create and edit documents for the Internet.

Exciting New Way to Publish Information on an Intranet
Most Web publishing tools assist either in converting files to HTML, or in creating HTML files. The askSam Web Publisher takes a different approach. askSam lets you import existing files or enter information using our WYSIWYG word processor. Your information is stored in an askSam database. It is not converted to HTML. You place the "live" askSam database on your Web server. The askSam Web Publisher automatically converts necessary documents to HTML as users access them. Because documents are stored in an askSam database, you can easily add to and update them. This dramatically reduces the cost of maintaining your Web site.

Instantly find what you need
Whether you publish a technical manual, helpdesk queries, or a corporate directory - the ability to search your information is vital. The askSam Web Publisher gives you access to the powerful askSam search engine. Users can access a wide variety of searches including full-text searches, Boolean searches, proximity searches, date searches, numeric searches, wildcard searches, and fuzzy searches. The Web Publisher lets you define custom search forms for a specific database, or you can define a form to search your entire Web site.

Save user feedback into a database
Take information entered on your Web site and save it directly into an askSam database... it's easy. The askSam Web Publisher can automatically save the contents of an HTML form into a searchable askSam database. You can use askSam to query, edit, evaluate, and create reports from this data. This is a great way to collect user registrations, job applications, suggestions, customer feedback and other kinds of information. Make the information you collect even more valuable by saving it into an askSam database.

The Low Cost, Low Maintenance Web Site
Everyone wants to have complete, up-to-date information on their Web site. But maintaining a Web site is expensive. askSam lets any user create and edit content for your intranet site. Your Webmaster will no longer have to edit and reformat documents before they are placed on the server. This saves time and reduces the costs associated with maintaining a Web site.

Works with all popular Windows Web servers
Rather than creating our own Web server, we designed the Web Publisher to run with popular Windows Web servers. This allows you to choose the Web server software that best meets your needs and still enjoy the advantages of the askSam Web Publisher. The Web Publisher is a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) application that runs on Intel-based Windows 2000, NT, 95 and 98 Web servers.

Web Publisher Administrator Interface
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© 2004-2005 Aertia Software  •  C/ Sardenya, 229, Sat. 5  •  08013 Barcelona
Teléfono: 93 2651320  •  Fax: 93 2652351  •  E-mail: info@aertia.com