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Web Publisher

de asKSam Systems

Programa para la creación de publicaciones en Internet. Permite importar ficheros de texto, mensajes de correo, bases de datos, documentos de procesadores de textos, etc.

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Algunos ejemplos desarrollados con Web Publisher

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askSam Web Publisher Examples


Library and Information Services for Taylor County

The Taylor County Library and Information Service uses the Web Publisher to make public information accessible on-line. The Taylor County Electronic Document Archives was developed which contains Board Of County Commissioners' public documents in electronic format. Documents such as board agenda, meeting minutes, projects, plans, and contacts are made available to the public for free of cost.


"We have been using askSam for one month and I couldn't be happier. The ease of use for the end user is a great advantage. Before this information was available on-line, if you needed information on government programs or meetings you would have to go to the courthouse and begin your search by hand through filing cabinets. Now with askSam you can go on-line and easily search this information and get exactly what you're looking for and never leave the house. There are so many excellent services that we will be able to provide in the near future now that we have such a flexible and user-friendly way to deliver all this useful information to the public. For example, we are planning to develop a number of on-line databases for  reader's advisors, local reference, local referrals, a homework database, an accelerated readers database, as well as a homework bibliography database. The flexibility of askSam and ease of use make it a very cost effective way for any library or government organization to make public information useful and accessible." -- Boyd Bruce, Director of Library and Information Services for Taylor County



Trade Secrets Case Law Database

R. Mark Halligan, Esq. authors a Web site on Trade Secrets. Mr. Halligan used to write his case studies in Microsoft Word, with more than 400 word documents for each case. Now with the Web Publisher his case documents are in askSam and accessible and searchable in a single on-line database for clients or colleagues.



Academy Of Florida Trial Lawyers

Using the Web Publisher, the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers display and search law journals on-line.




Biomedical Exchange Database

The Biomedical Exchange Database provides resource information to the Biomedical industry by supplying information via CD Rom using the askSam Electronic Publisher, and the Web site by hosting with askSam and by using the Web Publisher. Complete information on Biomedical and Biopharmaceutical companies, contacts, resources and data are provided to the Biomedical community.



All Canada Business Registry

NetStorm Technologies, Inc. publishes the All Canada Business Registry on the Internet. The Registry is a huge askSam database of Canadian businesses. It contains 2 million records and 400 MB of data . askSam provides extremely fast searches through this information.



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