AutoVue SolidModel includes all the features and format support
found in AutoVue, as well as extensive 2D / 3D / EDA viewing functionality. The
following is a list of some of 3D CAD and EDA formats currently supported.
3D CAD (parts, assemblies & 2D)
SolidDesigner / OneSpace Designer
Solid Edge
Mechanical Desktop
(layouts, schematics, artwork)
Mentor Expedition, Board Station, Design Architect, Neutral
Cadence Allegro, Allegro Extract, IPF
Orcad Layout, Capture
Barco DPF
Gerber, ODB++, ODB++(X), Gencam
- View all popular 3D model formats including CATIA, Pro/ENGINEER,
Unigraphics, Solid Edge, SolidWorks, Mechanical Desktop, Autodesk
Inventor, Solid Designer, STEP, STL, VRML, VDA-FS, IGES 3D, etc....
- You can render the model in several 3D modes including shaded
model, wireframe, silhouette and hidden line removal.
- View 2D modes and drafts of models.
- Color and highlight different parts of assemblies.
- Transform model parts independently of one another. This essential
feature gives you the versatility necessary to explore different
configurations, move parts out of the way to better view hidden
areas of the model, and break an assembly down into its components.
- Create user-defined co-ordinate systems: define origin position,
orientation of axes, toggle between these new co-ordinate systems or
the default.
- Support for PMI (Product Manufacturing Information) and GD&T
(Geometric Dimensioning & Tolerancing) data: display
non-physical data such as notes, surface finishes, dimensions and
- Render 3D models in new, Shaded Wire mode.
- Fill and measure sectioned areas of parts including edge length
and surface area.
- Navigate through an assembly and its related drafts at a click of
the mouse.
- Color-code parts or make them visible or hidden for ease of
- Standard 3D views are available including isometric and
perspective views. You can also define your own views.
- You can section models or parts of models using user defined
section planes and export the section edges as a separate file.
- Perform precise measurements on all dimensions, including angles,
arcs, circles, surface area, distance, and cumulative distance.

- Snapping lets you precisely locate edges, vertices mid-edges etc.
so that your measurements will be exact.
- You can calculate mass properties for the whole or part of the
model, including center of gravity, moments of inertia, inertia
tensor and many more.
- The mass properties default option is precise measurement based on
boundary representation (B-reps). You can also measure using
- Measure the minimum distance between any two points on a model or
- Define the light settings, with options such as light direction,
color and type.
- View all relevant EDA formats including: Artwork formats, PCB / IC
Layouts, Schematics and Manufacturing formats.
- Cross Probe between a PCB Layout and related schematics. Select a
net or component in a Schematic and it is located and highlighted in
the Layout or vice versa.
- Verify Design: Test for manufacturability or design violations
(ie: pad/trace/component clearances, drill hole size, via counts,
net width/length, short circuits, unrouted nets, empty nets,
unconnected pins ...) by setting multiple tolerances/constraints.
Export the detected violations and share with others to shorten the
overall design cycle and accelerate production.

- Select filters to hide/show entities based on type.
- Dynamic Layer control allows you to toggle layers on and off at a
single click of the mouse.
- Generate and export BOMs (Bill of Materials) in a variety of
- Highlight and Zoom to selected Nets or Components.
- Highlight all Net Connectivity on a selected Component / Pin / Via
/ Pad.
- Control layer properties including visibility, printability, order
and color at a click of the mouse. Users can access pre-defined
layer sets (views) or define their own.
- Generate 3D models of a PCB from the native ECAD data.
- Full Search and Highlight for multiple Components and Nets based
on a variety of attributes, keywords and values. Search for Nets,
Components, Pins, Vias, Devices or Parts. Export these custom lists
in a variety of formats.
- Access the full, embedded intelligence in a PCB with attribute
querying for Traces, Nets, Components, Inserts and Geometry Library
- Take precise measurements using the snapping feature: position the
cursor precisely on the endpoint / midpoint of a line, the
intersection of two nets, the center of a circle, or on any pin /
via / symbol origin.
- Masking feature makes selected components stand out from their
surroundings on the PCB for ease of visualization.
- Highlight nets. Trace the path of a net or signal through various
PCB layers and across multiple schematic pages.
Digital Mockup (DMU)
Virtual prototyping using AutoVue's Digital
Mockup, delivers real engineering solutions from the safety of a virtual
environment. Designers can simulate models and assemblies on-the-fly and
project real-world manufacturability without the expense and time
associated with conventional physical prototypes.
- Import and combine parts of various native CAD design
formats including CATIA, Pro/E, UG, SolidWorks, Inventor,
JT, Solid Edge, etc. Combine any number of CAD files, regardless of
format, to create a virtual assembly. For example, build a digital
prototype of a product using parts designed in-house and by
suppliers without the need to convert files.
- Combine both mechanical and electronics parts to
create a mockup that does not lose any of the intelligence and
attribute data of the original files.
- Create User-defined views
- Align parts precisely relative to each other by
defining alignment constraints using only a few clicks of the mouse.
Preview the part alignments before deciding to apply changes.
- Perform interference checking to determine
whether there is any spatial overlap or collision between parts in
an assembly. Minimize the form-factor of high-tech products. Detect
and solve potential problems earlier in the design cycle, reducing
time-to-market and prototype spins.
- Generate and export Bills of Material (BOMs) of
the final assembly.