and Fortran
Welcome to
Windows programming! If you have never written an application for Windows
before and you?ve heard it is complicated, RealWin will eliminate your
fears. With RealWin you can transform your DOS-hosted Fortran program into
a great Windows application. When you?re done, your whole user interface
is coded in Fortran.
RealWin is a
custom library designed in a partnership with some pretty demanding
clients. The powerful features that our custom clients use are available
at a "shrinkwrap" price. You can order your own special features
or just use the existing ones.
RealWin lets a
Fortran programmer create full-featured applications for Microsoft 32-bit
Windows platforms. Most of the details of handling Windows messages,
menus, dialog boxes, etc., are done automatically within RealWin routines.
With RealWin doing the hard work, you only have to consider the high-level
aspects of your user interface. All of RealWin?s functions, subroutines,
parameter definitions and interfaces are in a Fortran 90 module. RealWin
procedures typically have many optional arguments which means you can use
default values to get your program written quickly and then go back later
and customize.
If you want to
create applications for Microsoft Windows with Fortran, then you should be
using RealWin. Just call RealWin?s powerful Fortran interface routines
to get access to the Windows API. Don?t get bogged down with
mixed-language programming. Don?t settle for some wimpy emulation of
Windows that won?t let your application evolve. RealWin is the way to
get from Fortran to Windows.
Win is the Answer
and operation are real Windows!
Code exclusively in Fortran
Capitalize on Fortran 90 features
Many optional arguments with defaults to get started quickly, then enhance
System constants are defined in a Module
Interfaces to routines are all explicit, so compiler checks them
Locations can be proportional by addressing with real numbers
Resizing logic is automatic
You can order new features according to your specification!
Others are Saying
"I have already quickly ported the
DOS-based programs to Windows and I am pleased with the speed and ease of
that effort. I have also selectively added dialog boxes for input and have
added a status bar and menus ..."
Solar Turbines Inc. - a Caterpillar Company
"RealWin has greatly simplified the task of
upgrading my Rail Traffic Controller program to be a Windows based
application. I spend the majority of my time programming the crux of the
application rather than worrying about the cosmetic Windows interface
details. RealWin completely hides the often nasty and arcane details of
Windows programming through a series of easy to understand routines.
RealWin contains access to all the Win32 calls necessary for a
professional interface. After studying a few examples, I was up and
running in Windows in a matter of hours.
To me, the amazing part of RealWin is how little code is required to write
an interface. The combination of RealWin with Fortran 90 provides
developers with a powerful language and a complete interface package. I
highly recommend RealWin for industrial strength applications!"
Eric Wilson
Berkeley Simulation Software
"I'd like to extend a heart-felt 'THANK YOU'
for developing RealWIN. It's really made API/GUI coding tasks far more
convenient and much easier!!! It's also tied ALOT of loose ends when it
comes to API confusion."
Todd M. Sherman
"U.S. Government"
"My experience with beta version is more than
positive. The basic idea is very good. It is easy to include RealWin in
existing application with small changes in program structure. The sample
cases are more than enough to start the usage of the library. Until now I
have not experienced any problem with RealWin usage."
Davor Grgic
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing Zagreb
"Keep up the good work; I think RealWin is a
terrific product."
Dr. Alan Minchinton
Research Associate
ICI Explosives
- Lahey's LF90 version 3.0 or above or,
- Lahey's LF95 version 5.0 or above or,
- Compaq (Digital) Visual Fortran version 5.0 or above or,
- Absoft Fortran 90,
and one of the following:
- Windows
- Windows 95
- Windows 2000
- Windows NT version 4.0 or above
RealWin takes advantage of key features of Fortran 90 so that your code is
easy to read and easy to enhance. You don?t have to change any of your
FORTRAN 77 code in order to use RealWin. Any Fortran 90 code you must
write can be cloned and modified from the RealWin example programs.
Menu bar, drop-down menus, cascading menus, dividers, menu help,
accelerators, mnemonics, keyboard interface, enable, disable, and graying.
A variety of ways to display date & time, caps lock, scroll lock, num
lock, program defined messages, line & column for scrolling box,
proportional spacing, can all be changed on the fly by your program.
Built-in or user-defined buttons, button sizing, tooltip help. Program can
disable, enable, hide, and show buttons on the fly.
and Boxes
A multitude of ways to customize your display. "Boxes" can be
used to divide up a window. Select size, position, text color, background
color, title bar, font, cursor, icon, and many other appearance features.
Automatically scroll a text file. Use automatic screen painting or Fortran
paint subroutine.
Modal or modeless, push-buttons, radio buttons, check boxes, edit boxes,
list boxes, and combo boxes. Default positioning of controls, Call Fortran
routine when a button is pushed. Common Dialog boxes for color, font,
print, print setup, open file, and save file.
16 predefined colors, user-definable colors via Color Dialog Box, or
create any color with the RGB function.
Create brushes and pens, specifying color, width and pattern. Draw lines,
pixels, ellipses, arcs, chords, rectangles, bitmaps, polygons, bezier
curves, and polylines.
Programmer or user can select any Windows font, specifying point size,
italic, rotation, etc. Write text in a variety of ways including automatic
Use the screen graphics routines to write to the printer. Place images
wherever you want on the paper. Use the Print dialog box and Page setup
dialog box to let the user tell you what he wants.
Capture any mouse operations you want. Automatic rubber-band box and line.
Many conversion, inquiry and utility routines, such as: get_rect,
x_pixel_to_inches, lower_case, upper_case, message_box, delete_object,
get_volume_info, copy_file, delete_file, get_device_capabilities,
load_cursor, load_bitmap, load_icon, and set_foreground.
Indowsway provides a 100+ page manual with RealWin. The manual provides
plenty of examples and sample code to get you up and running as quickly as