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About Aertia:


by isee systems

iThink offers a risk-free way to make decisions that drive business improvement. iThink guides you and your business team through the creation of models that simulate business processes and scenarios; pointing out the impacts of a new procedure or policy, and offering opportunity to fix undesirable outcomes.

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Sectors where this product applies
  • Chemistry/Pharmaceutical
  • Consulting
  • Data analysis/Modeling
  • Econometrics
  • Education and Universities
  • Educational instruction
  • Financial/Banking services
  • Manufacturing/Produccion
  • Marketing
  • Petrochemical
  • Research and Development
  • Simulation
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» Product sheet
» Thinking, Communicating, Learning and Acting More Effectively
» A Pressing Need Improving Performance
» Systems Thinking: Four Key Questions
» Systems Thinking: Better Mental Models, Simulated More Reliably