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Nexxis CIM

de Labtronics

Nexxis CIM es un completo sistema de gestión de inventario químico que le ayudará a cumplir con las regulaciones vigentes, reducir los costes de aprovisionamiento e incrementar la eficacia de sus analistas.

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Automated Chemical Inventory Management
Nexxis CIM is a comprehensive chemical inventory management system that will help you meet regulatory requirements, reduce your procurement costs and make your analysts more efficient.

Nexxis CIM collects data directly from instruments, automates each inventory control step and can be fully integrated with laboratory SOPs to ensure that the correct chemicals are used to run analytical procedures. Nexxis CIM is a total solution for
chemical inventory control, offering an extensive range of features:

  • Collect weights directly from balances to adjust inventory
  • Update inventory in real time as reagents are used in the lab
  • Integrate inventory control directly into analysis SOPs
  • Track reagent batch numbers and include them with experimental results
  • Manage container disposals and maintain a record of all disposed containers
  • Issue automatic orders to replenish inventory levels
  • Use container-based tracking to control multiple lots
  • Provide ready access to chemical hazard information and chemical property data
  • Control formulations and track actual contents
  • Meet 21 CFR Part 11 compliance requirements
  • N-tier environment allows analysts anywhere in the facility to connect and use the system; access to functions is controlled on a user by user basis
  • Reporting tool provides an extensive range of customized reports
  • Can be set up to operate on any SQL-based database including Access®, Oracle® and SQL Server®
  • SQL communication functions make it easy to integrate with other database systems
  • Can be used with portable tablet PCs and supports wireless technology
  • Generate TIER II reports automatically
  • Print bar code labels for new containers
  • Display MSDS (material safety data sheets) along with each chemical

Much More Than a Chemical Inventory System
Nexxis CIM is much more than a chemical inventory system. Since the CIM application module is based on the Nexxis platform, all other Nexxis methods can also interact with CIM and it's data. This provides powerful control over the laboratory. The following lists just some of the automation that is available.

  • Automatically check expiration dates on reagents and prevent users from using old chemicals
  • Record reagent batch numbers electronically as they are used in analytical procedures
  • Update the inventory automatically each time a chemical is measured out for an experiment
  • Enforce automated SOPs to create formulations and reagents, and track the actual content of each batch

Clearly, this type of automation reduces errors and produces more reliable results; however, the real benefit is in the fact that it dramatically reduces the management time required to check on the manual systems. Correcting mistakes before they happen, and using systems that force a user to perform an operation correctly every time, reduces the time that management is involved.

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