WebEQde Design Science, Inc. WebEQ? Developers Suite es un potente toolkit interactivo diseñado para el desarrollo de páginas y sitios web que incluyan matemática interactiva. Las más importantes compañías de elearning, desarrolladores de contenidos y portales educativos estan utilizando WebEQ para la creación de entornos web basados en entornos de elearning para ayudar a los educadores al aprendizaje de asignaturas científicas y matemáticas en la web.
WebEQ incorporates many significant improvements over previous versions, providing greater speed, a smaller memory footprint and more functionality.
- Industry-leading support for MathML 2.0
- Extensive OS and web browser support, including Mac OS X
- High-quality, cross-platform math rendering with minimal dependence on fonts
WebEQ Editor
- Intuitive graphical editing of equations
- New support for prescripts and tensor indices
- Better handling of multi-line equations
- Expanded keyboard shortcuts for MathType compatibility
- Direct control over MathML structure
- Easy control of style and display properties
- Set font properties per token or per expression
- Large collection of symbols
- Enter symbols by MathML name or Unicode number
- Updated for Unicode 4 compatibility
- Customizable toolbar
- Support for multi-character buttons
- Sophisticated MathML export options
- Control namespaces, declarations, and white space handling via preferences
- Set default clipboard export preferences for streamlined workflow
- Generate JPEG and PNG images, MathML or Viewer Control applet tags
- Support for authoring interactive math equations
- Expanded editor preferences, including new support for chemistry notation
WebEQ Publisher
- Convert math markup to Web-ready formats
- Process markup in Solutions Library JavaScript code
- Read entire documents or cut-and-paste markup to be converted
- Send output to the screen for cutting-and-pasting or write files
- Process WebTeX and MathML
- Generate JPEG and PNG images, MathML or Viewer Control applet tags
- Generate markup for Mozilla, MathPlayer, and cross-browser stylesheets
WebEQ Equation Server
- Batch processing of math markup to Web-ready formats
- Control processing options via command-line switches
- Process WebTeX and MathML
- Generate images, MathML or Viewer Control applet tags
- Generate markup for Mozilla, MathPlayer, and cross-browser stylesheets
- Java API support for servlets
- Generate equation images from MathML within ASP code
Viewer Control
- Cross-platform display of MathML expressions in Web browsers
- Corrects for client screen resolution
- Automatic line breaking for long equations
- Extensive API for manipulating expressions via JavaScript
Input Control
- Serves as an embedded equation editor in Web pages
- Can be used to send equations to a Web server
- Cross-platform support for many Web browsers
- Customizable toolbar
- New applet parameters for chemistry notation mode
- Extensive API for manipulating properties and equations via JavaScript
Graph Control
- Graphs real-valued functions and inequalities
- Displays multiple equations
- Customizable appearance and graphing options
- Extensive API for manipulating properties and equations via JavaScript
Evaluation and Comparison Controls
- Evaluates MathML real-valued expressions in several variables
- Tests two expressions for equality
- Extensive API for use from JavaScript
- Incorporate static math into cross-platform pages using high-level JavaScript equation wrappers
- Incorporate WebEQ Controls into cross-platform pages using high-level JavaScript control wrappers
- JavaScript logic modules simplify mathematical animations, step-by-step exposition, and quizzes
- Over 20 templates and sample files for common interactive math tasks
Deployment Kit
- Deliver WebEQ Control class files on demand from your server
- Cache WebEQ Controls into your readers' browsers from your web server to eliminate download time
- User guides for each of the WebEQ tools and Controls
- Extensive programmer documentation
- Reference documentation for MathML and WebTeX
- Search and Index features
- Many tutorials
Included Licenses
You may:
- Install Equation Server on a single intranet server
- Redistribute the WebEQ Controls within your own organization
For non-commercial, educational purposes only, you may:
- Install Equation Server on a single Internet-accessible server
- Redistribute the WebEQ Controls from fixed media (CDROM, etc) or on a single Internet-accessible server